Posted: October 30th, 2018 | Author: Henry | Filed under: Screen Doors | Tags: Encino, Hidden Hills, Malibu, Retractable Screen Doors Sherman Oaks, Screen Doors Malibu, Screen Doors Sherman Oaks, Sherman Oaks, Tarzana | Comments Off on Screen Doors Sherman Oaks
Complete Screens installlation in Sherman Oaks
When you are ready to have your new window screens custom made and installed in your house, call a professional company that has a complete mobile screen service and will be able to do all the work at once.
You will be able to get a much more affordable price with Complete Screen on-site service in your area that does it all, and will be able to do all the fabrication, repair and installation at the same time, avoiding extra visits and therefore passing the savings on to the customer.
For a FREE estimate call NOW ! (818) 470-1444 or (805) 791-5744
Ask for Henry
Posted: June 25th, 2012 | Author: Henry | Filed under: Retractable Screen Doors, Screen Doors, Window Screens | Tags: Mobile Screen Service, Retractable Screen Door, Retractable Screen Doors, Retractable Screen Doors Sherman Oaks, Screen Door, Screen Doors, Screen Doors Sherman Oaks, Sherman Oaks, Window Screen, Window Screens, Window Screens in Sherman Oaks | Comments Off on Screen Doors Sherman Oaks
Window Screens, Retractable Screens and Screen Doors In Sherman Oaks
Retratable Screen Doors in Sherman Oaks
Screen Doors in Sherman Oaks
Window Screens in Sherman Oaks
Mobile Screen Service In Sherman Oaks
I worked for 18 years installing screen doors, sliding screen doors, swinging screen doors, wooden screen doors, storm doors. This is specialty, my profession and how I make my money. I’ve done thousands of jobs and have become an expert in this field. I want to talk about where I usually install screen doors, why people ask for them, what screen door I recommend and why.
The front door is a problem when it comes to deciding if a family wants to sacrifice it for a screen door. Usually clients don’t want to loose the look of there pretty and very expensive front door because a regular swinging screen door is permanent and swings open and does block the look of the front door. In this scenario I can explain what your options are and that is, the retractable screen door. This will help kill two birds with the same stone. You get a beautiful screen door that lets the cross breeze in without any unwanted guests, like the fly’s. Curb appeal? You can’t see it, it’s pretty much invisible. This is where it got it’s name “invisible screen”
Another great option is a swinging screen door with no design or push bars. This is a screen door that has nothing in the middle and is very plain and reliable 4500-Vista see: (,) I recommend this when there is a lot of in and out traffic, or in areas where other doors can’t be installed. these keep your homes look and gives you an option, if you don’t like retractable screens or can’t have them installed. Those are the two options customers usually have in most circumstances for front doors
For picture and more details visit
Another area that customers need screens for is the sliding screen door, also known as the patio screen door. Here customers have two choices really that will work properly, sliding screens doors and retractable screens doors. They both work great and get the job done. It all comes down to what kind of use, or should I say abuse will this door be getting and how many people will be going thru it and how many times per day. In most cases you cant compare the activity a screen door gets from a single retired person that goes in and out thru the door 3 or 4 times in a day to a family of 6 that go thru the same door 150 times per day. Always get someone that has good experience to recommend what’s best for you and ask questions on what you’re buying. Remember that going for the cheapest sometimes can be more expensive. You don’t want to be going to the hardware store every time spring comes around because your screen door didn’t make it
See our ad in the
If you are looking for Screen Doors and Windows Screens in the Sherman Oaks area, or other nearby areas, here are some other cities we service
Mobile Screen Service in: Sherman Oaks
Posted: January 14th, 2012 | Author: Henry | Filed under: Retractable Screen Doors, Window Screens | Tags: Mobile Screen Service, Motorized Power Screens, Retractable Screen Door, Retractable Screen Doors, Retractable Screen Doors Sherman Oaks, Screen Door, Screen Doors, Shutters, Window Screen, Window Screens | Comments Off on Screen Doors Reseda
Screen Doors Reseda
Complete Screens Replacement Window Screens and Retractable Screen Doors: An all-around win!
“I am considering myself to be extremely fortunate to have chosen Complete Screens for my replacement window screens and retractable screen doors needs because I feel like I won a prize!… The window screens are beautiful and very well made… Between the excellent retractable screen doors that your company sold me and Henry’s attention to detail during installation, 20 years was shaved off the appearance of my window and doors.” – Evita K. Reseda, CA
We offer a full mobile screen service for Screen Doors in the Reseda area.
Call for new Retractable Screen Doors, Screen Doors, Window Screens in Reseda area today!
We confirm the measuring & ordering for Retractable screen doors, Sliding screen doors, Swinging screen doors and Window screens. We measure the opening of your doors in several places, (Height, Width, Depth & a few other specifications to consider). If you are ordering any kind of the screen doors mentioned there are different ways to measure. We will let you know if standard size will fit your opening, to order a standard size door. If a standard size door will not fit into your opening then we will indicate the following deductions or additions to order a special size door. Note: Special size kickplates should be measured from bottom of door to top of kick plate holder.
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